You Know Racism Is Wrong...
as a White ally
you try to speak up when you can.
You’ve done a great deal of reading or listening to podcasts and enjoy learning through other people’s stories.
It’s been a while since you said or did anything to expand your anti-
racism work.
Wherever you are on this journey, whatever you're doing...
you want to be the kind of ally who does not continue to cause harm
which can happen
even when you think you are doing the right thing.
You need to get curious about what you might not already know, like
The Five Mistakes White People Make When It Comes To Anti-Racism
Submit the short form to download your copy of the ebook.
Making mistakes is a part of the work
and for many White allies that is frightening. You want to do this right and not make yourself look bad or make things worse.
I’ve spent a lot of time teaching, talking with and engaging in difficult conversations with White allies and
these five mistakes are pretty common.
Check-in with yourself around these mistakes.
Download your copy of the ebook today.
Complete the short form below to download your copy of the ebook.
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